The image on the right appears when Hires starts. The main window contains the menu bar and a child window to manipulate the mesh. This one is divide in four parts. At the top reside the tools bar, few shortcuts to access programs options and functions. The tools bar on the right side another tools bar modifies the rendering way of the object and allows to scale and rotate the object. The center's child window is divides in to parts. The white one will shows the UV template and the blue one will show the object in 3D way.
To modify the 3D view you can use 4 buttons.
This mode does not render correctly to be used in this tutorial.
You can move the model in the 3d view with the mouse. There are two actions mode. Rotate and move the Mesh. When one mode is select, you can use the other just by pressing ctrl. Two buttons mouse owner can simulate the middle on by pressing shift and the left button.
Left Button
Rotate the object.
Move the object.
View reset.
Middle Button
Rotate the object on the Z-axis.
Scale the object.
View reset.
You can load the object by clicking on the second icon in the tool bar, from the import option in the file menu or the quickest way the CTRL-I sequence. When the object is load, goes to the Subdivision Method from the edit menu. There are three subdivision methods. The Catmull-Clark method is the nearest as Blender Sub-Surf except that you cannot choose the number of iteration and several may required. The Loop method divides only mesh that contains only triangles. Finally the most interesting one, the Surface Curvature method. This one, divides a model keeping mostly or exactly the meshs size. All other methods generate high-resolution polygon with a lesser size. The Surface Curvature allows Hires to be used at the end of the mesh development. Because this feature is only available in hires this operation that cannot be realize in the modeler program. After choose the Surface Curvature method a dialog box comes to set the option that will use during the subdivision process. For the first time, select the Surface Tightness value to 1, that will subdivide only the polygons.
Subdivide the model can be done by clicking the Calc now button in the tool bar, from the "Subdivide Now!" option in the tools menu or the quickest by pressing ctrl-g.
Do you remember the first image of this tutorial? To get the result obtains in Blender, the table must be divide 4 tiles with the Catmull-Clark Method.
Just by pushing ctrl-g, the tables quality increases significantly. Unfortunately, a fifth subdivision will create a model with 372613 vertices, 372480 faces and the 620972 texture vectors. So it is important to choose a compromise between the number objects elements and its appearance. In this case a table generated by third subdivision will be fine. Load once again the model, divides it 3 time or use the undo feature to get the model divide 3 time. After, the model can be save by clicking on the save button , choosing the export option in the file menu or with the sortcut ctrl-e. Validate the default option and choose a file name.
Do the same thing with the Catmull-Clark method. You will get the object like the image on the right. Save the model under another name.